We have a specific set of procedures in place to assure a quality outcome for each of the projects we undertake.
On an interior, protecting your furnishings and possessions prior to beginning the work is the first step in a process designed to assure a satisfactory outcome. We achieve this with the help of digital photography to document the placement of all the interior furnishings assuring that they go back leaving no evidence of having been disturbed. Throughout the duration of the project your furnishings remain neatly stacked and completely covered with plastic and tape to protect them.
All wall cover plates, vents, grills and door hardware will be removed prior to painting and replaced after the final finish has been applied.
On an exterior we begin with an intense cleaning and inspection of all surfaces for any sign of water intrusion, insect or bird damage necessitating repair work to be accomplished prior to painting.
Every surface to be refinished will under go a rigorous preparation which includes cleaning, sanding, repair and priming to bring back the original quality and condition of walls, doors and trim. To help maintain an efficient and coordinated job site schedule we have the personnel and expertise to complete any unforeseen repairs of carpentry, sheet rock or stucco while we are there.
During the project we use a step punch system, checking for problems and insuring satisfactory completion of each step prior to moving on to the next, this vigilance of quality control results in an optimal product..