Being Green – Environment Friendly

Eco Friendly

we continually work at being environmentally friendly (Green), where there are still so many more questions than answers.  One thing for sure…like it or that environmental issues impact all of us. We call them environmental issues but in reality they are about the quality of our lives and the conditions that we leave behind.  With all the confusion regarding what to do or not to do, the thing that stands out clearly is that we must consider the consequences of our actions and be responsible for them.  We must be the change we’d like to see.

At JGP we work hard to recycle, reuse, dispose of materials properly, protect the surrounding landscape, be economical and judicious in product selection and procurement (create less waste) and application techniques (the best place for left over paint is on the wall).  We use low or “no” VOC (Volatile organic compounds) products.  We use higher grade material which will require repainting less often.

Some things that we are still working on is being more aware of imbedded environmental impacts of our work… the distance from the manufacturer and transportation fuel consumption, manufacturing fuel consumption, mining of raw ingredients and that footprint, use of natural earth and ultimate organic paints, additives such as biocides, mildewicides, and pesticides, reflective and insulating coatings. There are so many considerations that taken all together it can be difficult to address.

For us, the one thing that is most clear to us  is that going green requires a committed effort with a focused long range goal and the ability to negotiate an obscure, confusing and constantly changing course.

Some of our actions and goals are to::

  • Switch all materials to no VOC and earth pigments and organic coatings,
  • Use recycled paints and use a paint recycling service
  • reduce the fuel and power consumption of our business,
  • participate in accredited ‘green’ projects, spread the word, protect the environment, be aware, be concerned, be vigilant, be the change.

Quality, Value, Integrity